
Company Culture and Why It Is Crucial for Longevity

A well-defined company culture is very important to companies that want to attract the top talent in their industry and retain their best employees for the long haul. 

Company culture is a trending topic because more working professionals are prioritizing the quality of their workplace and company values when searching for a job.

Employees who are proud of the company they work for perform better. Strong company culture is key to building a business that continues to thrive year after year.

What Makes a Good Company Culture?

Good company culture includes a positive work environment where employees are encouraged to be themselves and interact with one another, both personally and professionally.

There is open communication throughout all levels of management and plenty of opportunities to develop new skills or move up the rankings.

A great company culture motivates team members to work together, support each other, and recognize coworkers' accomplishments. 

Company Culture Defined

Company culture is the overall representation of what the company stands for. That includes how employees behave, how management interacts with everyone, and the business's organizational culture. 

In most cases, company culture is implied rather than clearly defined. It’s a set of company values, work environment, leadership style, expectations, and goals.

Even fine details like business hours, dress code, employee benefits, and treatment of clients can be used to describe the company's character.

Characteristics of Good Company Culture

The following characteristics are important for good company culture:

  • Clear company mission
  • Comfortable work environment
  • Diversity
  • Professional development
  • Recognition
  • Transparency

Many companies are focused on having good corporate culture because it leads to better job satisfaction and employee engagement. A great work environment promotes genuine friendships in and outside work, making for a better professional dynamic.

Clear Company Mission

Rarely does good company culture happen on its own. It’s an intentional way of life articulated and communicated throughout the organization. 

Leadership embodies the mission statement so that every employee understands the values and the company’s mission.

Comfortable Work Environment

A comfortable workspace can go a long way regarding employee satisfaction. The best companies make an effort to create a work environment that people enjoy being in. 

Some companies offer additional perks such as free snacks, lush common areas, and other amenities to attract top talent and boost morale. 


A positive company culture welcomes diversity in the workplace versus hiring only one demographic. When an organization embraces diversity in its staffing, they’re typically more open-minded about ideas and new business approaches. Keep in mind that there are many facets of demographic diversity, including race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age and more. Also remember that a diversity in skills, experiences, and perspectives can be remarkably valuable in helping your team solve difficult challenges.

A good work culture encourages people to be themselves, collaborate with team members, and consider other thought processes.

Professional Development

Good work culture includes plenty of ways for employees to advance professionally and personally. People appreciate a company dedicated to their personal growth because it fosters a strong sense of community and well-being.

Employee retention rates are higher for organizations that promote growth opportunities with their budget and resources.


An organization with good work culture celebrates wins throughout the company regularly. Employees are more motivated to work hard when they know their accomplishments will be recognized by management.

A positive company culture promotes teamwork and wants everyone to acknowledge the accomplishments of coworkers, which makes employees feel valued.


It’s well known that a company that is secretive about decision-making or lacks communication breeds a culture of insecurity and uncertainty. 

In contrast, a positive workplace culture supports transparency, so that team members know where they stand and what is expected of them. 

The path to a leadership role is clearly stated and fair to everyone.

Why Is Company Culture Important?

Company culture is important for businesses that want to be successful long-term because employees who feel good about their job work harder and show more loyalty to the company.

Job seekers today are looking for a company that aligns with their core values and blends with their personal life seamlessly. Millennials and Gen Zers, in particular, are looking for strong company culture while searching for places to begin their career.

One study found that company culture is the first concern for job seekers considering changing jobs. More than two-thirds (66%) of the survey respondents wanted to know about a company’s culture when considering making a switch.

If you want to attract the top talent in your industry, company culture needs to be top of the mind of everyone in leadership roles. The increase in remote work has expanded employment opportunities, so job seekers feel empowered to choose a company with shared values.

Examples of Good Company Culture

Facebook, Google, Netflix, and Amazon have long been known for being great places to work due to their well-defined company cultures.

Alphabet Inc., also known as Google, has earned a reputation for its employee-centric values and for emphasizing a creative and flexible work atmosphere.

Amazon has become well-known for having a company culture focused on customer service and operational efficiencies. They’re recognized as having small results-driven teams centered around productivity and innovation.

Perhaps the company with the most fascinating company culture is the online shoe store, Zappos. Why do they stand out to us? Because their interview process includes a cultural fit session that carries half the weight when deciding whether to onboard new employees and — they offer new hires $2,000 to quit after the first week of training if they feel the job isn’t right for them.

We think that is an impressive commitment to strong company culture.

How To Identify Company Culture

Four Tips to identify company culture:

  1. Check the company website
  2. Do some online research
  3. Ask questions during your interview
  4. Shadow a current employee

We know that job seekers prioritize company culture when searching for employment, but it can be hard to understand what a business is like on the inside from simply reading a job description.

If possible, the best way to truly get a vibe for a company’s culture is to ask employees. If that’s not an option, you can find a lot of information from blogs and other online sources.

1. Check the Company Website

Always check the company website and look for the “About Us” section. Based on its mission statement, you can usually get a pretty good feel for a company.

Most major companies know the value of finding the right people to fit into their company culture and do their best to give a snapshot of what a day in life is like for employees, so they don’t waste their time with high turnover.

2. Do Some Online Research

If you need to do more digging, third-party websites like Glassdoor or Indeed can provide valuable insider information directly from employees. You can read through various reviews and company ratings based on first-hand experience.

Social media is another great source, not only for testimonials but also for an accurate and real-time portrayal of the type of image the company has.

3. Ask Questions During Your Interview

You may think you have a good idea of what it’s like to work for a company, but the interview provides another opportunity to gain another layer of details.

Job seekers should go into an interview prepared to ask questions about considerations that matter most to them, such as: 

  • What are the company goals? 
  • How are employees promoted? 
  • What are the policies on remote work?
  • What is their stance on work-life balance?

Shadow a Current Employee

Changing jobs is a major life commitment. If you’re offered the position and are still unsure if it’s a good fit for you, ask if it’s possible to shadow someone in that department for a few hours or even a day.

An employer who values their employees’ experience should not have a problem opening their doors and most likely will appreciate that you’re taking the time to confirm it’s a good decision.

What’s the Best Way To Transform Company Culture?

Company culture starts at the top and works its way down. It’s imperative that your leaders understand your view on the work culture and how you want to implement it.

Change involves introspection, so the strongest leaders can look inward and reflect on their behaviors within the company.

The best way to accurately portray employees' feelings about the workplace is to send performance reviews regularly. The key is to remain open-minded and use that information to better the company in one way or another.

The Bottom Line

From job recruitment to industry performance to employee retention, company culture impacts every aspect of your business.

Consider what you want your company to be known for, the kind of employees you want to attract, and how you can encourage coworkers to connect on a deeper level.

Once you have a clear vision of the company culture your business should have, do what you can to clearly define that in all your marketing efforts.


Corporate Culture | Investopedia

These Are Job Seekers’ Top 3 Priorities Right Now, According To LinkedIn | Fast Company

What Is Company Culture, and How Do You Change It? | Forbes

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